I'm Jess, and I create art for women who know what it's like to be lost, untethered, and unmoored.
The Studio is closed until 2/10, while Jess recovers from a medical procedure. Any orders placed before then will ship 2/10.
I'm Jess, and I create art for women who know what it's like to be lost, untethered, and unmoored.
I have always been drawn to art, as long as I can remember, and by the time I chose my major in in college it was a no-brainer that it would be Fine Art.
After graduation, it seemed everyone agreed it would be laughably impossible to make a "career" of art, so I set about finding the most creative jobs I could get paid to do- none of them quite fulfilling enough on their own, so I kept exploring.
I worked for a florist, created signs for Whole Foods, created window displays for Anthropologie, designed inspirational photoshoots for wedding websites and DIY projects for SMP Living. I even did accounting! I thought I was making the best of things, being practical, being realistic.
But once my son was born in 2014, everything changed. Postpartum anxiety and depression hit me hard, and I completely lost touch with who I was or even wanted to be. For years.
I couldn't remember what I used to be interested in, or motivated by, I didn't know what my values were, and here I was, seemingly supposed to guide this tiny creature through life.
All of my time seemed consumed by parenting and just surviving. I started to have this impatient feeling that I need something in my life that was mine. Just mine.
The feeling grew and grew, until it suddenly felt urgent that I claim my career as an artist. My inner voice was practically screaming-
That even if I didn't know anything else about myself, I knew I was an artist.
That if only I had a little time for myself, that I wanted it to go towards my most important goal.
That if I didn't step up and fight for time to make art, right now, it could slip away forever.
So in 2016, I left my job and slowly, terrifingly attempted to figure out how to make a living as an artist- which as a naturally anxious person, starting from a very low place, was a daunting prospect.
Being a full-time artist/small business owner has had fits and starts, ebbs and flows, and oh-so-many challenges- but I woudn't change this life for the world because it's mine and I fought so hard for it.
I'm truly so grateful that I have the opportunity to make my living creating art.
I started making art as a business by creating with what felt doable, accessible, and reasonably marketable. Painting landscapes and flowers were straightfoward and soothing and helped balance my stress from tipping into overwhelm.
It's just now, in 2024, that I'm finally feeling ready to explore the more conceptual work that's been brewing in the back of my mind forever, but felt too scary to put out into the world.
I'm trying to be brave each day- and I get overcome with fear all the time- to keep showing up, and making and exploring and speaking to the most true things I can think of.
I hope you will come along with me on this journey to see where I can take this work.